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Principal Chief Controller of Accounts
Central Board of Direct Taxes, Ministry of Finance, Government of India
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Office Order No. 420/ 2023-24 Delegate the Power of HOO and ZAO to Sh. Ram Niwas Kumar AO ZAO CBDT Patiala dated 19.09.2023
Minutes of Meeting Appointment on Compassionate Ground
Office Order No. 415/ 2023-24 Retiring on superannuation in respect of Sh. Hemantkumar B Hirap Sr. Acctt. and Sh. Kishan Singh Bisht Bearer on 30.09.2023 dated 13.09.2023
Office Order No. 416/ 2023-24 Delegate the power of Head of Office/ZAO to Sh. Ashwani AO ZAO CBDT Panchkula dated 13.09.2023
Office Order No. 417/ 2023-24 Committee is Constituted to periodically review the Compassionate Ground Appointment cases dated 14.09.2023
CPIO,PIO, Appellate Authority
Details of Declaration of Posts along with Pay Scales
Office Order No 205
Office Orders
Forwarding the Representation for Appointment on Compassionate Ground. dated 12.09.2023
Office Order No. 414/ 2023-24 Sh. Kushal Singh Rawat AO is Deputed as conveyer for meeting for Compassionate Ground. dated 12.09.2023
Memorandum-Document Verification of CGLE-2022
Office Order No. 413/ 2023-24 Joining & posting order in r/o Sh. Drigesh Kumar Chahal, Sr. AO dated 11.09.2023
Office Order No. 412/ 2023-24 Relieving order in r/o Sh. Prabhu Dayal, AO O/o ZAO CBDT Delhi dated 11.09.2023
Office Order No. 18/ 2023 Mid- Career Training of Sr. AOs organised during August to September, 2023 at INGAF HQ, New Delhi & its RTC Mumbai, Kolkata, & Chennai-reg. dated 05.09.2023
Office Order No. 409/ 20232-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Goutam Mridha AAO to AO ZAO CBDT Kolkata dated 04.09.2023
Office Order No. 407/ 2023-24 Work allocation in respect of Sh. Abhay Tiwari AAO ZAO CBDT Agra dated 29.08.2023
Office Order No. 406/ 2023-24 Work Allocation in respect of Sh. Gireesh Vaishnav AAO ZAO CBDT Udaipur dated 28.08.2023
Office Order No. 405/ 2023-24 Work Allocation in respect of Ms. Pinki Bisla and Sh. Harish Narula ZAO CBDT Rohtak dated 28.08.2023
Office Order No. 404/2023-24 Retirement Order in respect of Smt. Damyanti M Hedaoo AAO ZAO CBDT Nagpur dated 28.08.2023
Office Order No. 398/ 2023-24 Work allocation in r/o Sh. Abhay Tiwari, AAO ZAO CBDT Agra dated 24.08.2023
Office Order No. 397/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Ranbir Singh AO ZAO CBDT Patiala dated 23.08.2023
Office Order No. 396/ 2023-24 work Allocation in respect of ZAO CBDT Agra dated 23.08.2023
Office Order No. 394/ 2023-24 Additional Charge in respect of Sh. Jaipal Singh AAO ZAO CBDT Mumbai dated 23.08.2023
Office Order No. 393/ 2023-24 Additional Charge in respect of Sh. Ravi Kumar Nain AAO ZAO CBDT Meerut dated 23.08.2023
Office Order No. 395/ 2023-24 Work allocation & Link Officer arrangement in respect of ZAO CBDT Mumbai dated 23.08.2023
Office Order No. 391/2023-24 Delegate the Power of DDO to Ms Nitu Shekhawat AAO ZAO CBDT Jodhpur dated 18.08.2023
Office Order No. 390/2023-24 Work allocation in r/o ZAO CBDT Lucknow dated 18.08.2023
Office Order No. 389/ 2023-24 Delegate the Power of HOO to Sh G Srinivas Sr. AO ZAO CBDT Hyderabad dated 18.08.2023
Office Order No. 388/ 2023-24 Relieving order in r/o Sh. Rajesh Kumar, AO dated 17.08.2023
Provision of audit reports for monitoring by agency (admin) user-reg. dated 14.08.2023
Office Order No. 387/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of officials of ZAO CBDT Surat, Ludhiana & Chandigarh dated 10.08.2023
Office Order No. 386/ 2023-24 Allocate the charge and delegate the power of Head of Office/ ZAO to the officers of ZAO CBDT Agra dated 10.08.2023
Office Order No. 385/2023-24 Additional Charge in respect of Smt Sushma Jain Sr. AO ZAO CBDT New Delhi dated 10.08.2023
Office Order No. 384/ 2023-24 Work allocation in respect of ZAO CBDT Patna-reg. dated 10.08.2023
Memorandum - Preference Form for CGL 2021 Candidates dated 08.08.2023
Office Order No. 378/ 2023-24 Nominate Sh. Cosmas Xaxa Sr. Accountant as Second Signatory ZAO CBDT Jalpaiguri dated 03.08.2023
Office Order No. 374/ 2023-24 Functional FPU Dibrugarh, Silchar and Agartala dated 31.07.2023
Office Order No. 373/ 2023-24 Relieving of Sh Ujjwal Kumar AO and Sh R K Dwivedi Sr AO dated 31.07.2023
Office Order No. 372/ 2023-24 Delegate the Power of HOO to Sh Chandrika Prasad AO ZAO CBDT Allahabad dated 31.07.2023
Office Order No. 371/ 2023-24 Delegate the Power of HOO to Smt Keya Sarkar Sr AO ZAO CBDT Bhopal dated 31.07.2023
Office Order No. 370/ 2023-24 Delegate the power of Drawing and Disbursing Officer to Sh M Murugaiyan AAO Trichy dated 31.07.2023
Office Order No. 369/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Sh Anshu Shekhar AAO in LCS Section (HQ) CBDT dated 28.07.2023
Office Order No. 368/ 2023-24 Relieving of Sh. Shalang Shangpliang AAO to CBIC Dibrugarh dated 28.07.2023
Office Order No. 367/ 2023-24 Distribution of Charges of Dy. CA and ACA (ICAS Officers) dated 26.07.2023
Preventive measures to avoid financial irregularities-reg. dated 28.07.2023
Office Order No. 366/ 2023-24 Relieving order in r/o Sh. Rajiv Kumar AAO CBDT Delhi dated 25.07.2023
Office Order No. 365/ 2023-24 Relieving Order in r/o Sh. Ravi Shankar Roy & Sh. R D Gopala Krishna dated 25.07.2023
Office Order No. 363/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Ajay Kumar Khan AAO dated 24.07.2023
Office Order No. 362/ 2023-24 Transfer and posting in respect of Sh. Suresh Kumar M. R. AAO in Admin ZAO CBDT New Delhi dated 24.07.2023
Office Order No. 361/ 2023-24 Retirement on superannuation from the Government Services in respect of Sh. Pushp Kumar, Sr. AO ZAO CBDT Agra & Sh. Bhagwan Sahai Yadav, Ar. Acctt. ZAO CBDT Jaipur with effect from 31.07.2023 dated 26.07.2023
Office Order No. 01/ 2023-24 dated 24.07.2023
Office Order No. 360/ 2023-24 Relieving on Promotion in respect of Sh. Arvind Kumar AAO FPU Muzaffarnagar dated 20.07.2023
Implementation of AUTO FORWARD of Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) on "SPARROW" in respect of AAO, PAO and Sr. AOs of CCAS Cadre and adherence of prescribed timelines-regarding. dated 20.07.2023
Office Order No. 359/ 2023-24 Relieving order of Sh Madan Prakash Jajoria and Sh Naveen Kumar Upadhyay dated 19.07.2023
Office Order No. 358/ 2023-24 Work Allocation Sh Sanjeev Kumar and Sh G R Juneja and Smt Santosh Badhan Sr AOs dated 19.07.2023
Office Order No. 357/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Sh Khushal Singh Rawat AO in PPC Section (HQ) CBDT dated 19.07.2023
Office Order No. 355/ 2023-24 Link Officer Arrangement in CBDT (HQ and ZAO ND) dated 19.07.2023
Office Order No. 354/ 2023-24 Work re-allocation & Link Officer arrangement amongst Sr. AOs/AOs of ZAO, CBDT, Jaipur dated 18.07.2023
Office Order No. 353/ 2023-24 Relieving order of AAOs dated 18.07.2023
Office Order No. 351/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Sh. Abhishek Kr Sinha AAO in GAD-I Section dated 17.07.2023
Office Order No. 350/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Parmod Kumar AAO ZAO Dehradun dated 14.07.2023
Authorization of 9 Additional CPPCs of Punjab National Bank-reg. dated 20.07.2023
Recovery of wrongful/ excess payments made to Government Servants-reg. dated 18.07.2023
Office Order No. 349/ 2023-24 Relieving order of Smt. Sushma Adhikari, Smt. Neelam Thakran and Sh. Padam Kumar dated 14.07.2023
Office Order No. 348/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Sh. Ishwar Singh AAO in Pension Section ZAO New Delhi dated 14.07.2023
Office Order No. 347/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Smt. Bhavana Mazumdar AAO in GAD-I HQ CBDT dated 14.07.2023
Office Order No. 345/ 2023-24 Promotion Order AAO to AO in respect of Sh. K Sridhar, AAO M/o I&B, Hyderabad dated 13.07.2023
Office Order No. 344/ 2023-24 Promotion Order AAO to AO in respect of Sh. Rajesh Kumar Gupta, AAO M/o I&B, Siliguri dated 13.07.2023
Office Order No. 343/ 2023-24 Promotion Order AAO to AO in respect of Sh. Ram Niwas Kumar AAO Ministry of Home Affairs, Ranchi dated 13.07.2023
Office Order No. 342/ 2023-24 Promotion Order AAO to AO in respect of Sh. B K Srivastava AAO Ministry of Home, Lucknow dated 13.07.2023
Office Order No. 340/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Sh. Mukesh Kumar AAO in Receipt Section, CBDT, HQ dated 13.07.2023
Office Order No. 339/ 2023-24 Promotion Order AAO to AO in respect of Sh. Harshad Kumar P. Rathod AAO Ministry of Labour, Mumbai to CBDT Mumbai dated 12.07.2023
Office Order No. 338/ 2023-24 dated 12.07.2023
Office Order No. 337/ 2023-24 Additional Charge of Sh. Sajeev Kumar Sr. AO GAD-I and PAO Commissionerate dated 12.07.2023
Office Order No. 336/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Smt. Sumita Goswami AAO in Estt-II Section dated 12.07.2023
Office Order No. 335/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Smt. Preeti Khan AAO in PPC Section dated 12.07.2023
Office Order No. 334/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Sh. Sanjeev Kumar AAO in Audit Section dated 12.07.2023
Office Order No. 333/ 2023-24 Promotion Order AAO to AO in respect of Sh. Jiban Ramchiary AAO Ministry of H&UA, Guwahati dated 11.07.2023
Office Order No. 332/ 2023-24 Promotion Order AAO to AO in respect of Sh. M Jayakumar AAO Ministry of Education, Chennai dated 11.07.2023
Office Order No. 331/ 2023-24 Promotion Order AAO to AO in respect of Sh. Manoj Kumar Panjiyar AAO Ministry of PFMS, Ranchi dated 11.07.2023
Office Order No. 330/ 2023-24 Relieving Order in respect of Sh. Mini Sajan CBDT Cochin to SRTH dated 11.07.2023
Office Order No. 329/ 2023-24 Delegate the Power of ZAO and HOO to Sh. Ankit Kumar AAO ZAO CBDT Panaji dated 10.07.2023
Office Order No. 325/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of AAOs dated 10.07.2023
Office Order No. 326/ 2023-24 dated 10.07.2023
Approval of Delegation of Financial Powers/ Head of Office and link officer rearrangement amongst ACA & AOs posted in ZAO, CBDT, Panchkula-reg. dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 324/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ratan Singh Meena, AAO to AO from M/o Agriculture, Delhi to CBDT Surat dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 323/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Khushal Singh Rawat, AAO to AO from M/o H&UA, Delhi to CBDT Delhi dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 322/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Rakesh Prakash, AAO to AO from CBIC, Lucknow to CBDT Allahabad dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 321/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Anant Kumar Goyal, AAO to AO from M/o Industry, Jaipur to CBDT Udaipur dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 320/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Ms. Anuradha, AAO to AO from CBIC, Chandigarh to CBDT Chandigarh dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 319/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Mukesh Kumar Mukesh, AAO to AO from M/o Industry, Mumbai to CBDT Mumbai dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 318/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Manoj Kumar, AAO to AO from CBDT Lucknow to CBDT Lucknow dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 317/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ved Prakash, AAO to AO from M/o PPG&P, Delhi to CBDT Allahabad dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 316/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Grahawarman H. Meshram, AAO to AO from M/o H&UA, Mumbai to CBDT Mumbai dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 315/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Ms. Bhavana, AAO to AO from M/o Chem & Fert. to CBDT Delhi dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 314/ 2023-24 Additional Charge in respect of Sh. Bhupendra Singh Bisht AAO dated 06.07.2023
Office Order No. 313/ 2023-24 Transfer Posting from CBDT to Other Ministry dated 07.07.2023
Grant of annual Increment 1st July 2023 dated 05.07.2023
Office Order No. 311/ 2023-24 Voluntary Retirement in respect of Sh. Anand Prakash AO ZAO Thane dated 04.07.2023
Office Order No. 310/ 2023-24 Transfer Posting of AAOs from CBDT to Other Ministry dated 04.07.2023
Office Order No. 305/ 2023-24 List of Officers/ officials are going to retire on superannuation from the Government Services with effect from 30.06.2023 (A/N) dated 26.06.2023
Internal Controls to be exercised by PAOs-reg. 26.06.2023
Office Order No. 304/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Suraj Prakash Verma Sr Acctt to AAO (Min MHA) dated 26.06.2023
Office Order No. 252/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Sandeep Kumar Patel Sr. Acctt CBDT Mumbai dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 302/ 2023-24 dated 23.06.2023
Approval of re-arrangement of link officers amongst Sr. AOs/ AOs posted in ZAO, CBDT, Mumbai-reg. dated 23.06.2023
Office Order No. 301/ 2023-24 Joining of Sh. Raj Kumar Sr. AO at ZAO CBDT Chandigarh dated 22.06.2023
Office Order No. 300/ 2023-24 Joining of Sh. Lalit Kishore Singh Sr. AO at ZAO CBDT Lucknow dated 22.06.2023
Office Order No. 299/ 2023-24 Joining of Sh. Krishan Kumar AO at ZAO CBDT Jalandhar dated 22.06.2023
Office Order No. 298/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Sh. Rajeev Ranjan AO at ZAO CBDT Amritsar dated 22.06.2023
Office Order No. 291/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Sh. Shyam Kumar Singh AAO in PPC Section CBDT HQ dated 20.06.2023
Office Order No. 289/ 2023-24 Delegate the power of HOO and ZAO to Smt. V Bhuvaneswari Sr. AO Chennai ZAO, CBDT, Chennai dated 19.06.2023
Approval of work allocation and re-arrangement of link officers amongst Sr. AOs/ AOs posted in ZAO, CBDT, Chennai-reg. dated 19.06.2023
Office Order No. 288/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Rajiv Kumar AAO in LCS, CBDT HQ dated 19.06.2023
Office Order No. 287/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Harish AAO in RBR (Exp), HQ dated 19.06.2023
Office Order No. 285/ 2023-24 Relieving order in r/o Sh. Mohd Azhar, Accountant, ZAO New Delhi dated 16.06.2023
Office Order No. 283/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Rishipal AAO in Estt-I, HQ dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 282/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Saurabh Kumar AAO in PAO (Directorate), Delhi dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 281/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Ashutosh Kumar Prajapti AAO in PAO (Comm), Delhi dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 280/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Madhur Jain AAO in PAO (Comm), Delhi dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 279/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Ashish Phalswal AAO in IT Cell, HQ dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 278/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Chandan Kumar AAO in Bill Section, HQ dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 277/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Manoj AAO in GAD-I, HQ dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 276/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Priyanshu Ranjan AAO in PAO (Comm), Delhi dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 275/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Ramvilas Pandit AAO in GAD-II, HQ dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 274/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Pradeep Kumar Chauhan AAO in Audit Section, HQ dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 273/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting order in respect of Sh. Naveen Kumar Yadav AAO in Estt-II, HQ dated 15.06.2023
Forwarding of proposal for administrative approval and financial sanction for training Programme at RTC, INGAF, Kolkata, in r/o ZAO, CBDT, Kolkata. dated 15.06.2023
Approval of re-allocation of work and Link officer arrangement amongst AOs posted on ZAO, CBDT, Bhubaneswar-reg. dated 13.06.2023
Approval of re-allocation of work amongst AOs posted in ZAO, CBDT, Jaipur-reg. dated 13.06.2023
Office Order No. 269/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Mangla manoj Kumar Gajbhiye Sr. Acctt CBDT Nagpur dated 12.06.2023
Office Order No. 268/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Sarat Chandran P. S. Sr. Acctt CBDT Trivandrum dated 12.06.2023
Office Order No. 267/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Vijay Kumar Sr. Acctt CBDT Jammu dated 12.06.2023
Office Order No. 266/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Rakesh Kumar Sr. Acctt CBDT Ludhiana dated 12.06.2023
Office Order No. 265/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Deshmukh Vinay Ashok Sr. Acctt CBDT Pune dated 12.06.2023
Office Order No. 263/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Tushant Rawat Sr. Acctt CBDT Dehradun dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 262/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Satya Pal Sr. Acctt CBDT Ahmedabad dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 261/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Rajesh Kumar Sr. Acctt CBDT Rajkot dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 260/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Rajeev Kumar Sr. Acctt CBDT Bhubaneshwar dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 259/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Abhimanyu Sr. Acctt CBDT Pandhkula dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 258/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Ravendra Singh Sr. Acctt CBDT Agra dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 257/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Amit Kumar Sr. Acctt CBDT Mumbai dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 256/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Pushpendra Nirwan Sr. Acctt CBDT Dehradun dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 255/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Dipendu Ghosh Sr. Acctt CBDT Guwahati dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 254/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Ms. Chong Haokip Sr. Acctt CBDT Guwahati dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 253/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Amar Pratap Singh Sr. Acctt CBDT Ahmedabad dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 251/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Ms. Varalakshmi Mahadran Sr. Acctt CBDT Bengaluru dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 250/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. A Mohamed Ansar Sr. Acctt CBDT Trichy dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 249/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Manohar Kumar Sharma Sr. Acctt CBDT Shimla dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 248/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Chingtham Janajit Singh Sr. Acctt CBDT Guwahati dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 247/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Pinaki Naskar Sr. Acctt CBDT Kolkata dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 246/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Arun Kumar Tiwari Sr. Acctt CBDT Jodhpur dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 245/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Sandipan Dey Sr. Acctt CBDT Mumbai dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 244/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Deepak Kumar Sr. Acctt CBDT Karnal dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 242/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Ravi Kumar Sr. Acctt CBDT HQ dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 224/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ajay Singh Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o Education dated 08.06.2023
Office Order No. 215/ 2023-24 Delegate the power of ZAO and HOO to Sh. Jodha Ram Kumawat Sr. AO ZAO CBDT Jaipur dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 214/ 2023-24 Delegate the power of ZAO and HOO to Sh. Rudra Narayan Biswal AO ZAO CBDT Bhubaneswar dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 213/ 2023-24 Delegate the power of ZAO and HOO to Sh. Krishan Kumar AO ZAO CBDT Jalandhar dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 212/ 2023-24 Delegate the power of ZAO and HOO to Sh. Lalit Kishore Singh Sr. AO Lucknow dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 211/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Rajinder Prasad AAO to join the PFMS Chandigarh dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 210/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Manish Kumar Sahu Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o Industry dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 209/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Rakesh Kumar Meena Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o Industry dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 208/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Harish Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o Earth Science dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 207/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Nivesh Kumar Singh Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o Earth Science dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 206/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Anshul Arora Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o Science & Technology dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 203/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ashutosh Kumar Prajapati Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 202/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Dhaval Kumar Makvana Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 201/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Gangavarapu P Kumar Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 200/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Hari Singh Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 199/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. M Vishwanath Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 198/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Prabhat Kumar Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 197/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh.Ajit Yadav Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 196/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Ms. Priyanka Narwal Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 195/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Dharamraj Meena Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 194/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Ms. Sunanda Paul Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 193/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Suchet Mittal Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 192/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Sovan Chatterjee Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 191/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Saurabh Singhal Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 190/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Santosh Jadav Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 189/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Rajeev Kumar Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBDT dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 188/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ravendra Singh Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBDT dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 187/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Abhimanyu Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBDT dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 186/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ravi Kumar Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBDT dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 185/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Shiv Charan Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 184/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ashutosh Kumar Shahi Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 183/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Abhishek Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 182/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Amandeep Singh Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 181/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Krishna Kumar Mahalawat Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 180/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Gautam Kumar Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 179/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ankit Verma Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 178/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Manish Kunal Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 177/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Naveen Kumar Yadav Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 176/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Narendra Kumar Jha Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 175/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Ms. Pooja Goswami Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 174/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Ms. Priyadarshini Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 173/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Prosenjit Manna Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 172/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ramvilas Pandit Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 171/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Vimal Mohan Joshi Sr Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 170/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Varun Kataria Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 169/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Ms. Vandana Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 168/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Shyam Kumar Singh Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 167/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ravi Kumar Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 166/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Saurabh Mathur Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 165/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Rajnessh Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 164/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Ms. Vandana Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o SRTH dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 163/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Chandan Kumar Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o SRTH dated 06.06.2023
MEMORANDUM Dated 09.06.2023
Study Tour Attachment for ICAS OTs (2020 & 2021 Batch) dated 09.06.2023
Important instructions with regard to new development in Pension Module for PAOs in PFMS Portal-reg. dated 08.06.2023
Office Order No. 124/ 2023-24 Relieving Order in respect of Smt. V Rajarajeswari Sr. AO dated 31.05.2023
Office Order No. 123/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Sumit Anand Gothwal Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Commerce dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 122/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Shoumik Shrivastava Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Chemical and Fertilizer dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 121/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Saurabh Kumar Steno to AAO M/o Labour & Emp. dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 120/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Satya Pal Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o H&UA dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 119/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Satarupa Datta Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o H&UA dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 118/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Sandeep Gajraj Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o H&UA dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 117/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Rishi Pal Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Health and Family Welfare dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 116/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ravi Kumar Nain Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o CA&PD dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 115/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Priyanshu Ranjan Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Health and Family Welfare dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 114/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Madhur Jain Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o PPG&P dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 113/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Imran Yakubi Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Agriculture dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 112/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Chandan Trehan Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o H&UA dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 111/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Atul Wani Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Jal Shakti dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 110/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ashish Phalswal Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Agriculture dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 109/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Abhishek Kumar Tiwari Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Information and Broadcasting dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 108/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ankit Kumar Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Chemical and Fertilizer dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 107/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Anurag Bansal Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Law and Justice dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 106/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Anurag Srivastava Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o H&UA dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 105/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Ms. Archana Srivastava Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Jal Shakti dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 104/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh Manoj Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o H&UA dated 29.05.2023
Pension Module Training during March to May, 2023-reg. dated 06.06.2023
To send Nominations regarding NIFM Training within three days. dated 01.06.2023
Amendment in the Scheme for Payment of Pensions to Central Government Civil Pensioners by Authorised Banks Booklet (Fifth Edition, July 2021)-reg. dated 31.05.2023
Office Order No. 103/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Sh. Parna Dey Sr. AO dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 102/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Sh. Atul Kumar Bhatnagar AO dated 26.05.2023
Office Order No. 100/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Sh. Dharam Vir Sr. AO dated 26.05.2023
Office Order No. 99/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in r/o Sh. Abhash Chandra Jha AO dated 26.05.2023
Office Order No. 98/ 2023-24 Technical Resignation of Sh. Saugato Bose Accountant ZAO, CBDT, Kolkata dated 26.05.2023
Office Order No. 94/ 2023-24 Technical Resignation of Sh. Sumit Kumar Accountant & Ms. Jaspreet Jaggi Accountant dated 24.05.2023
Office Order No. 93/ 2023-24 Transfer on Promotion in r/o Sh. Krishan Kumar AAO & Sh. Sudeepto Kr Banerjee AAO dated 23.05.2023
Office Order No. 92/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in r/o Smt. Sushma Jain Sr. AO, Sh. Dharam Vir Sr. AO & Sh. Atul Kumar Bhatnagar Sr. AO dated 23.05.2023
Office Order dated 22.05.2023
Office Order No. 88/ 2023-24 Dated 19.05.2023
Office Order No. 87/ 2023-24 Dated 19.05.2023
Office Order No. 86/ 2023-24 Dated 22.05.2023
Office Order No. 85/ 2023-24 Dated 18.05.2023
Office Order No. 84/ 2023-24 Dated 16.05.2023
Nomination of Pensioners under the Payment of Arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules, 1983 for payment of life-time arrears-reg. dated 16.05.2023
Office Order No. 41/ 2023-24 Dated 15.05.2023
Monthly report regarding monthly reconciliation of expenditure by DDOs. dated 12.05.2023
Office Order No. 39/ 2023-24 Dated 12.05.2023
Office Order No. 37/ 2023-24 Dated 11.05.2023
Office Order No. 36/ 2023-24 Dated 11.05.2023
Office Order No. 35/ 2023-24 Dated 11.05.2023
Office Order No. 34/ 2023-24 Dated 11.05.2023
Office Order No. 33/ 2023-24 Dated 10.05.2023
Office Order No. 32/ 2023-24 Dated 10.05.2023
Office Order No. 31/ 2023-24 Dated 10.05.2023
Office Order dated 11.05.2023
Status Report of Pending APARs in respect of Acctt./ Sr. Acctt./ AAOs/ Sr. AOs of CBDT-reg. dated 09.05.2023
Office Order No. 28/ 2023-24 Dated 02.05.2023
Office Order No. 27/ 2023-24 Dated 01.05.2023
Office Order No. 26/ 2023-24 Dated 28.04.2023.
Office Order No. 25/ 2023-24 Dated 28.04.2023
Office Order No. 24/ 2023-24 Dated 28.04.2023
Office Order No. 22/ 2023-24 Dated 28.04.2023
Office Order No. 21/ 2023-24 Dated 27.04.2023.
Office Order No. 19/ 2023-24 Dated 26.04.2023
Office Order No. 18/ 2023-24 Dated 26.04.2023
Office Order No. 17/ 2023-24 Dated 26.04.2023
Office Order No. 16/ 2023-24 Dated 26.04.2023
Pan-India Training cum Roll out plan for electronic Bill system (e-bill) of Public Finance Management System (PFMS) in financial year 2023-24-reg. dated 24.04.2023
Office Order No. 14/ 2023-24 Dated 24.04.2023
Office Order No. 13/ 2023-24 Dated 21.04.2023
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion of Lower Division Clerks as Accountant-reg. dated 19.04.2023
Office Order No. 12/ 2023-24 Dated 18.04.2023
Office Order No. 11/ 2023-24 Dated 18.04.2023
Office Order No. 10/ 2023-24 Dated 18.04.2023
Office Order No. 08/ 2023-24 Dated 13.04.2023
Office Order No. 04/ 2023-24 Dated 13.04.2023
Office Order No. 03/ 2023-24 Dated 13.04.2023
Revision of monetary ceiling for purchase/ reimbursement of briefcase/office bag/ladies purses-regarding. dated 17.04.2023
One year training programme at NIFM Faridabad on "Government Accounting and Internal Audit" DGA&IA, 2023-24 (15th Batch) at AJNIFM, Faridabad-reg. dated 18.04.2023
Coverage under Central Civil Services (Pensions) Rules, in place of National Pension System of those Central Government employees who were recruited against the posts/vacancies advertised/notified for recruitment on or before 22.12.2003-reg. dated 17.04.2023
Office Order No. 01/ 2023-24 Dated 12.04.2023
Migration of Reserve Bank of lndia on TIN 2.0 platform w.e.f. 01 April, 2023-reg. dated 10.04.2023
Timely Completion of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) in respect of AOs/Sr. AOs-reg. dated 06.04.2023
Unnecessary delays in processing of the pension cases due to shortcoming in the details/documents. dated 05.04.2023
Migration of SBl, HDFC and Punjab and Sind Bank on TIN 2.0 platform w.e.f. 01 April, 2023-reg. dated 29.03.2023
Promotion of Accountants as Sr. Accountants on seniority basis-reg. dated 03.04.2023
Office Order No. 304/ 2022-23 Dated 31.03.2023
Meeting Notice-reg. dt. 31.03.2023
Office Order No. 303/ 2022-23 Dated 31.03.2023
Timelines for completion of various activities in the process of authorization of pension/family pension and gratuity on retirement on superannuation of a Government servant and death while in service. dt. 31.03.2023
Memorandum dated 27.03.2023
Posting of contractual staff working on sensitive posts-reg. dated 28.03.2023
List of Sr. Accountants Recommended by the Committee for Financial Up-Gradation Under the MACP Scheme. dated 28.03.2023
Banking arrangements for March 31, 2023- Government Payment & Receipts-reg.
Reporting and Accounting of Central Government transactions for March 2023-reg.
Office Order No. 295/ 2022-23 Dated 23.03.2023
Posting of contractual staff working on sensitive posts-reg. dated 21.03.2023
Office Order dated 21.03.2023
Office Order No. 294/ 2022-23 Dated 21.03.2023
Online generation & recording of APAR on "SPARROW" for the year 2022-23 in respect of AAOs/AOs/Sr. AOs-reg. dated 15.03.2023
Office Order No. 291/ 2022-23 Dated 14.03.2023
Proposal for Hiring of Outsourcing Staff in Zonal Accounts Offices-reg. dt. 14.03.2023
Departmental Confirmatory Examination for Accountants 2023-reg. dated 09.03.2023
Annual Indent for CTS-2010 Standards cheques for the year 2023-24-regarding. dated 03.03.2023
Office Order No. 286/ 2022-23 Dated 02.03.2023
Training Programme for Pension module in PFMS dated 01.03.2023
Office Order No. 285/ 2022-23 Dated 28.02.2023
Information on bifurcation of accumulated NPS corpus (including appreciation) received from NSDL towards payment & accounting adjustment-reg. dated 28.02.2023
Office Order dated 22.02.2023
Result of Departmental Confirmatory Examination Held on 03.12.2022-reg. dated 22.02.2023
Implementation of Hon'ble CAT, New Delhi order dated 01/06/2016 on OA no. 1095/2014 in the case of Sh. KP Rajgopal and Ors Vs Union of India subject to outcome of WP No. 3527/2019 filed by UoI in Hon'ble High court of Delhi. dated 21.02.2023
Completion of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) and clearance of Pendancy of Online APARs for the year 2020-21 & 2021-22 on SPARROW in r/o Sr. AOs/PAOs/AAOs-reg. dated 20.02.2023
Office Order No. 282/ 2022-23 Dated 20.02.2023
Office Order No. 281/ 2022-23 Dated 17.02.2023
Streamlining the process of Eligibility Applications submitted to DoE under Rule 4 and Rule 5 of CGGPRA Rules, 201/ - reg. dated 15.02.2023
Office Order No. 280/ 2022-23 Dated 14.02.2023
Office Order No. 278/ 2022-23 Dated 10.02.2023
Office Order No. 277/ 2022-23 Dated 10.02.2023
Office Order No. 276/ 2022-23 Dated 08.02.2023
Stoppage of use of abbreviations in the name of Pensioner/Family Pensioner in Fresh & Revision Special Seal Authorities and PPOs-reg. dated 06.02.2023
Permission for Eligibility in r/o GPRA dated 06.02.2023
Office Order No. 274/ 2022-23 Dated 31.01.2023
Office Order No. 273/ 2022-23 Dated 30.01.2023
Office Order No. 272/ 2022-23 Dated 30.01.2023
One time Relaxation in RRs of Accountants-reg. dated 27.01.2023
Convey of Administrative Approval regarding PAN India Training cum roll out plan for electronic Bill system (e-bill) of Public Finance Management System (PFMS) in financial year 2022-23 dated 20.01.2023
Grant of Annual Increment on 1st January 2023-reg. dated 03.01.2023
Verification of Membership Strength of All India Civil Accounts Employees Association under Central Civil Service (Recognition of Service Association) Rule, 1993 for all group 'C' Staff, Sr. Accountant and Steno Gr. 1-reg. dated 03.01.2023
Migration of Existing Agency Banks from OLTAS to TIN 2.0-reg. dated 02.01.2023
Office Order No. 268/ 2022-23 Dated 30.12.2022
Timely Submission of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) and Clearance of Pendency of APARs in r/o PAOs/Sr. AOs-reg. dated 26.12.2022
Review of Senior Accounts Officers (Group A) of CCAS Cadre under FR-56(j) and Rules 48 of CCS (Pension) Rule, 1972-reg. dated 20.12.2022
To send Nominations regarding Pan India Training cum roll out plan for electronic Bill system (e-bill) of Public Finance Management System (PFMS) in financial year 2022-23. dated 09.12.2022
Holding of Pension Adalats-reg. OM dated 09.12.2022
Cadre Review of the Central Civil Accounts Service (CCAS)-reg. dated 08.12.2022
Office Order No. 265/ 2022-23 Dated 08.12.2022
Office Order No. 262/ 2022-23 Dated 30.11.2022
Migration of Existing Agency Banks from OLTAS to TIN 2.0-reg. dated 29.11.2022
(1)- Processing of Pension/Family Pension cases where arrears of pension are paid before the finalization of pension/family pension case. (2)- Implementation of Revised format of PPO booklet (CAM-52). dated 25.11.2022
Office Order No. 260/ 2022-23 Dated 24.11.2022
Office Order No. 254/ 2022-23 Dated 17.11.2022
Office Order No. 253/ 2022-23 Dated 17.11.2022
To send Nominations regarding Pan lndia Training cum Roll out plan for electronic bill system (e-bill) of Public Finance Management System (PFMS) in financial year 2022-23 (ZAO, CBDT, Coimbatore, Madurai, Trichi (Tiruchirapalli), Trivandrum, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and Cochin) dated 16.11.2022
To send Nominations regarding Pan lndia Training cum Roll out plan for electronic bill system (e-bill) of Public Finance Management System (PFMS) in financial year 2022-23 (ZAO, CBDT, Raipur and Indore) dated 15.11.2022
To send Nominations regarding Pan lndia Training cum Roll out plan for electronic bill system (e-bill) of Public Finance Management System (PFMS) in financial year 2022-23 (ZAO, CBDT, Allahabad, Jalandhar, Agra, Rohtak (Haryana) and Bhopal. dated 15.11.2022
To send Nominations regarding Pan lndia Training cum Roll out plan for electronic bill system (e-bill) of Public Finance Management System (PFMS) in financial year 2022-23 (ZAO, CBDT, Patiala, Kanpur and Lucknow) dated 15.11.2022
Migration of Existing Agency Banks from OLTAS to TIN 2.0-reg. dated 31.10.2022
Office Order No. 250/ 2022-23 Dated 11.11.2022
Compensation for Non-deposit or delayed deposit of Contribution under National Pension Scheme (NPS) during 2004-12-reg. dated 14.11.2022
Pan lndia Training cum Roll out plan for electronic bill system (e-bill) of Public Finance Management System (PFMS) in financial year 2022-2023 on 20.12.2022 and 21.12.2022 and 19/20 January, 2023 (Physical Training) dated 11.11.2022
Compliance of directions issued vide OMs by the Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare to Central Government servants covered under National Pension System-regarding dated 09.11.2022
Office Order No. 243/ 2022-23 Dated 03.11.2022
Office Order No. 242/ 2022-23 Dated 31.10.2022
Online Mid-Career Training Programe for Sr. AOs & AAOs-reg. dated 01.11.2022
Compliance of directions issued vide OMs by the Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare to Central Government servants covered under National Pension System-regarding dated 31.10.2022
Online Mid-Career Training Programme for Sr. AOs & AAOs-reg. dated 31.10.2022
Office Order No. 240/ 2022-23 Dated 28.10.2022
Ceiling of Rs. 5 Lakh on subscription to General Provident Fund (GPF) in a financial Year-reg. dated 27.10.2022
Office Order No. 236/ 2022-23 Dated 17.10.2022
Verification of membership strength of "All India Civil Accounts Employees Association Category-II" under Central Civil Service (Recognition of Service Association) Rules, 1993-reg. dt. 07.10.2022
Timely Submission of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) and Clearance of Pendency of APARs in r/o PAOs/Sr. AOs-reg. dated 07.10.2022
Office Order No.230/ 2022-23 Dated 30.09.2022
Office Order No.19/ 2022 Dated 26.09.2022
Office Order No.221/ 2022-23 Dated 26.09.2022
Migration of Existinq Agency Banks from OLTAS to TIN 2.0-reg. dated 22.09.2022
Office Order No.219/ 2022-23 Dated 21.09.2022
Office Order No.218/ 2022-23 Dated 21.09.2022
Office Order No.216/ 2022-23 Dated 19.09.2022
Nominations of PAOs/ Sr. AOs for diploma in "Government Accounting and Internal Audit" (DGA&IA), 2022-23 (15th Batch) at AJNIFM, Faridabad. dated 19.09.2022
Departmental Confirmatory Examination for Accountants 2022-reg. dated 16.09.2022
MACP in r/o MTS, LDC-regarding dated 12.09.2022
Outstanding balances under Suspense heads and Cheques and Bill dated 07.09.2022
Office Order No.167/ 2022-23 Dated 07.09.2022
Office Order No.165/ 2022-23 Dated 06.09.2022
Office Order No.162/ 2022-23 Dated 01.09.2022
Office Order No.155/ 2022-23 Dated 31.08.2022
Procedure for implementation of change of option by a Pensioner/ Family Pensioner from FMA to CGHS (OPD) facility and vice-versa-reg. dated 18.08.2022
Office Order No.105/ 2022-23 Dated 10.08.2022
Strengthening of Machinery for Redressal of Public Grievance (CPGRAMS) dated 05.08.2022
Office Order No.101/ 2022-23 Dated 29.07.2022
Office Order No.99/ 2022-23 Dated 21.07.2022
Delegation of Administrative and Financial Powers to Controller of Accounts/ Dy. Controller of Accounts/ ACA/ ZAO/ Head of Office dt. 11.07.2022
Office Order No.96 / 2022-23 Dated 12.07.2022
Verification of fields in PPOs/e-PPOs with e-scroll dated 23.06.2022
Assistant Accounts Officer (Civil) Computer based (CBT) 2022 Notification-reg dated 12.07.2022
Office Order No.95 / 2022-23 Dated 12.07.2022
Grant of Financial Upgradation under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme of PS/AAOs-reg. dated 11.07.2022
Nomination of Pensioners under the Payment of Arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules, 1983 for payment of life-time arrears. dated 23.06.2022
Assistant Accounts Officer (Civil) Computer Based Examination 2022 Notification-reg. dated 24.06.2022
Office Order No. 92/ 2022-23 dated 30.06.2022
Form for Option/ Preference for station for CGLE 2019 passed candidate. dated 01.07.2022
Grant of Annual Increment on 1st July 2022. dated 01.07.2022
Office Order No. 91 2022-23 dt. 29.06.2022
Compliance of GPF Rule regarding timely payment of GPF to the retiring Government Servant. dated 23.06.2022
Office Order No.89 / 2022-23 Dated 22-06-2022
Verification of membership strength of ''All India Civil Accounts Gr. 'B' Gazetted (AAOs) Association'' under central civil service (Recognition of service Association) Rules , 1993. Dated 20-06-2022
Office Order No.85 / 2022-23 Dated 16-06-2022
Office Order No. 86 2022-23 dated 21.06.2022
Circular Court Matter dated 20.06.2022
Tour Programme in respect of Officers of West Zone ZAOs-reg. dt. 17.06.2022
MACP in r/o Accountants of Zonal Accounts Offices under the jurisdiction of HQ-regarding Dated 15-06-2022
Guidelines for forwarding of anti-dating of promotion cases of NG officials - reg Dated 08-06-2022
Office Order No.77 / 2022-23 Dated 14-06-2022
Office Order No.76 / 2022-23 Dated 14-06-2022
Office Order No.75 / 2022-23 Dated 14-06-2022
Office Order No.74 / 2022-23 Dated 14-06-2022
Office Order No.73 / 2022-23 Dated 14-06-2022
Office Order No.72 / 2022-23 Dated 14-06-2022
Age Wise Pendency Report (Period of Report: 01.01.2021 to 13.06.2022) dt. 13.06.2022
PAO Conference at Jaipur-reg dated 13.06.2022
Office Order No.70 / 2022-23 Dated 09-06-2022
Annual Indent for CTS-2010 Standards cheques for the year 2022-23 - regarding.
Amendment in Civil Accounts Manual Revised Second Edition - 2007 Volume-I & II (reprinted in 2012)
To enhance the Current Vigilance clearance proforma in respect of official/officers
Office Order No. 67 2022-23 dated 01.06.2022
Timely Submission of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) in respect of PAOs, Sr. AOs-reg. dated 01.06.2022
Office Order No. 66 2022-23 dated 01.06.2022
Office Order No.61 / 2022-23 Dated 25-05-2022
Office Order No.63 / 2022-23 Dated 25-05-2022
Office Order No.60 / 2022-23 Dated 23-05-2022
Office Order No.59 / 2022-23 Dated 23-05-2022
Three days class room training on 'PFMS MODULES AND WORK FLOW' to be held from 1st to 3rd June, 2022 at INGAF New Delhi-reg. dated 30.05.2022
Office Order No.55 / 2022-23 Dated 20-05-2022
Office Order No.54 / 2022-23 Dated 20-05-2022
Office Order No.51 / 2022-23 Dated 18-05-2022
Submission of data related to pensioners retiring in the Financial Year 2023-reg. dated 24.05.2022
Office Order No.50 / 2022-23 Dated 18-05-2022
Office Order No.41 / 2022-23 Dated 12-05-2022
Office Order No.46 / 2022-23 Dated 17-05-2022
Office Order No.33 / 2022-23 Dated 29-04-2022
Office Order No.35 / 2022-23 Dated 09-05-2022
Office Order No.36 / 2022-23 Dated 09-05-2022
Office Order No.37 / 2022-23 Dated 09-05-2022
Office Order No.38 / 2022-23 Dated 10-05-2022
Office Order No.34 / 2022-23 Dated 09-05-2022
PAO Conference at Chandigarh Dated 5-05-2022
PAO Conference conveyed at O/o CGA to review the performance of ZAOs at Chandigarh on 06th May 2022 reg.
Office Order No.32 / 2022-23 Dated 29-04-2022
Office Order No.31 / 2022-23 Dated 29-04-2022
Office Order No.30 Dated 29-04-2022
Office Order No.28 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.27 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.26 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.25 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.24 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.23 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.22 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.21 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.20 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.19 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.18 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.17 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Important instructions with regard to Pension Module on PFMS Portal change of Gratuity Recovery Head Details in Pension Module by PAO user-reg. Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.15 2022-23 Dated 27-04-2022
Office Order No.13 2022-23 Dated 27-04-2022
Office Order No.11 2022-23 Dated 27-04-2022
Office Order No.10 2022-23 Dated 27-04-2022
Holding of Nation-Wide Pension Adalats on 05.05.2022- reg Dated 27-04-2022
Office Order No.09 / 26-04-2022 / 163-69
Office Order No.08 Dated 26-04-2022 / 154-57
Office Order No.07 Dated 26-04-2022 / 148-53
Office Order No.06 Dated 26-04-2022 / 132-144
Office Order no.04 Dated 21-04-2-22
office order 2 Dated 25-04-2022
Authorisation of private sector banks for collection of direct taxes - reg.
Timely submission of annual performance appraisal reports (APSRs) in r/o Aos/sr. Aos-rey
Office Order PCCA/CBDT/PPC/WEB/2021-2022
Office Order No. 02 2022-23 dt. 05.04.2022
Assistant Accounts Officer (Civil) Computer Based Test (CBT) 2022 Notification-reg dt. 05.04.2022
Payment of Provisional pension and Gratuity under Rule 62 of the Central Civil Services (pension) Rules. 2021 in case of delay in issue of PPO authorizing regular pension-reg. dt. 05.04.2022
Office Order No. 01 2022-23 dt. 04.04.2022
Office Order No. 253 2021-22 dt. 31.03.2022
Sanction Order dt. 30.03.2022
Submission of E Monthly DO by Pr.CCAs, CCAs, CAs (IC)-reg. dt. 29.03.2022
Banking Arrangement for March 31, 2022-Government payment and Receipts-reg dt. 28.03.2022
Online generaion & recording of APAR on 'SPARROW' for the year 2021-22 in respect of AAOs, AOs & Sr. AOs-reg dt. 25.03.2022
Grant of Honorarium for the year 2021-22 dt. 25.03.2022
Office Memorandum dt. 24.03.2022
Office Order No. 249 2021-22 dt. 22.03.2022
Reporting and Accounting of Central Government transactions of March 2022 . Dated 16.03.2022
Completion of APARs in respect of in r/o AAOs/AOs/Sr. AOs in "SPARROW" for the year 2020-21- reg. Dated 14.03.2022
Amendment in Civil Accounts Manual Revised Second Edition-2007 Volume-I & II (Reprinted in 2012). Dated 08.03.2022
Office Order No. 247 2021-22 Dated 07.03.2022
Office Order dated 11.05.2023
Revision of monetary ceiling for purchase/ reimbursement of briefcase/office bag/ladies purses-regarding. dated 17.04.2023
Posting of contractual staff working on sensitive posts-reg. dated 28.03.2023
Posting of contractual staff working on sensitive posts-reg. dated 21.03.2023
Office Order dated 21.03.2023
Proposal for Hiring of Outsourcing Staff in Zonal Accounts Offices-reg. dt. 14.03.2023
Office Order dated 22.02.2023
Streamlining the process of Eligibility Applications submitted to DoE under Rule 4 and Rule 5 of CGGPRA Rules, 201/ - reg. dated 15.02.2023
Permission for Eligibility in r/o GPRA dated 06.02.2023
Office Memorandum Dated 13.10.2021
Office Order No. 28 -2021-22 Dated 08.07.2021
Grant of annual Increment 1st July 2023 dated 05.07.2023
Grant of Annual Increment on 1st January 2023-reg. dated 03.01.2023
Grant of Annual Increment on 1st July 2022. dated 01.07.2022
Tour Programme in respect of Officers of West Zone ZAOs-reg. dt. 17.06.2022
Sanction Order Dated 16.12.2021
Sanction Order Dated 01.12.2021
Sanction Order Dated 17.11.2021
Sanction Order Dated 11.10.2021
Sanction Order Dated: 23.09.2021
Sanction Order Dated 23.09.2021
Compliance of extant air travel guidelines by all officials, officers - reg. Dated 19.08.2021
CGHS Rates for treatment at private health care organizations empanelled under CGHS in view of COVID-19 Pandemic (10 July 2020)
Covid NCT OM dated 20.06.2021
Estt. - I
Office Order No 205
Office Order No. 345/ 2023-24 Promotion Order AAO to AO in respect of Sh. K Sridhar, AAO M/o I&B, Hyderabad dated 13.07.2023
Office Order No. 344/ 2023-24 Promotion Order AAO to AO in respect of Sh. Rajesh Kumar Gupta, AAO M/o I&B, Siliguri dated 13.07.2023
Office Order No. 343/ 2023-24 Promotion Order AAO to AO in respect of Sh. Ram Niwas Kumar AAO Ministry of Home Affairs, Ranchi dated 13.07.2023
Office Order No. 342/ 2023-24 Promotion Order AAO to AO in respect of Sh. B K Srivastava AAO Ministry of Home, Lucknow dated 13.07.2023
Office Order No. 340/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Sh. Mukesh Kumar AAO in Receipt Section, CBDT, HQ dated 13.07.2023
Office Order No. 339/ 2023-24 Promotion Order AAO to AO in respect of Sh. Harshad Kumar P. Rathod AAO Ministry of Labour, Mumbai to CBDT Mumbai dated 12.07.2023
Office Order No. 338/ 2023-24 dated 12.07.2023
Office Order No. 337/ 2023-24 Additional Charge of Sh. Sajeev Kumar Sr. AO GAD-I and PAO Commissionerate dated 12.07.2023
Office Order No. 336/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Smt. Sumita Goswami AAO in Estt-II Section dated 12.07.2023
Office Order No. 335/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Smt. Preeti Khan AAO in PPC Section dated 12.07.2023
Office Order No. 334/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Sh. Sanjeev Kumar AAO in Audit Section dated 12.07.2023
Office Order No. 333/ 2023-24 Promotion Order AAO to AO in respect of Sh. Jiban Ramchiary AAO Ministry of H&UA, Guwahati dated 11.07.2023
Office Order No. 332/ 2023-24 Promotion Order AAO to AO in respect of Sh. M Jayakumar AAO Ministry of Education, Chennai dated 11.07.2023
Office Order No. 331/ 2023-24 Promotion Order AAO to AO in respect of Sh. Manoj Kumar Panjiyar AAO Ministry of PFMS, Ranchi dated 11.07.2023
Office Order No. 330/ 2023-24 Relieving Order in respect of Sh. Mini Sajan CBDT Cochin to SRTH dated 11.07.2023
Office Order No. 329/ 2023-24 Delegate the Power of ZAO and HOO to Sh. Ankit Kumar AAO ZAO CBDT Panaji dated 10.07.2023
Office Order No. 325/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of AAOs dated 10.07.2023
Office Order No. 326/ 2023-24 dated 10.07.2023
Approval of Delegation of Financial Powers/ Head of Office and link officer rearrangement amongst ACA & AOs posted in ZAO, CBDT, Panchkula-reg. dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 324/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ratan Singh Meena, AAO to AO from M/o Agriculture, Delhi to CBDT Surat dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 323/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Khushal Singh Rawat, AAO to AO from M/o H&UA, Delhi to CBDT Delhi dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 322/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Rakesh Prakash, AAO to AO from CBIC, Lucknow to CBDT Allahabad dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 321/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Anant Kumar Goyal, AAO to AO from M/o Industry, Jaipur to CBDT Udaipur dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 320/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Ms. Anuradha, AAO to AO from CBIC, Chandigarh to CBDT Chandigarh dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 319/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Mukesh Kumar Mukesh, AAO to AO from M/o Industry, Mumbai to CBDT Mumbai dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 318/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Manoj Kumar, AAO to AO from CBDT Lucknow to CBDT Lucknow dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 317/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ved Prakash, AAO to AO from M/o PPG&P, Delhi to CBDT Allahabad dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 316/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Grahawarman H. Meshram, AAO to AO from M/o H&UA, Mumbai to CBDT Mumbai dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 315/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Ms. Bhavana, AAO to AO from M/o Chem & Fert. to CBDT Delhi dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 314/ 2023-24 Additional Charge in respect of Sh. Bhupendra Singh Bisht AAO dated 06.07.2023
Office Order No. 313/ 2023-24 Transfer Posting from CBDT to Other Ministry dated 07.07.2023
Office Order No. 311/ 2023-24 Voluntary Retirement in respect of Sh. Anand Prakash AO ZAO Thane dated 04.07.2023
Office Order No. 310/ 2023-24 Transfer Posting of AAOs from CBDT to Other Ministry dated 04.07.2023
Office Order No. 305/ 2023-24 List of Officers/ officials are going to retire on superannuation from the Government Services with effect from 30.06.2023 (A/N) dated 26.06.2023
Office Order No. 304/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Suraj Prakash Verma Sr Acctt to AAO (Min MHA) dated 26.06.2023
Office Order No. 302/ 2023-24 dated 23.06.2023
Approval of re-arrangement of link officers amongst Sr. AOs/ AOs posted in ZAO, CBDT, Mumbai-reg. dated 23.06.2023
Office Order No. 301/ 2023-24 Joining of Sh. Raj Kumar Sr. AO at ZAO CBDT Chandigarh dated 22.06.2023
Office Order No. 300/ 2023-24 Joining of Sh. Lalit Kishore Singh Sr. AO at ZAO CBDT Lucknow dated 22.06.2023
Office Order No. 299/ 2023-24 Joining of Sh. Krishan Kumar AO at ZAO CBDT Jalandhar dated 22.06.2023
Office Order No. 298/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Sh. Rajeev Ranjan AO at ZAO CBDT Amritsar dated 22.06.2023
Office Order No. 291/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Sh. Shyam Kumar Singh AAO in PPC Section CBDT HQ dated 20.06.2023
Office Order No. 289/ 2023-24 Delegate the power of HOO and ZAO to Smt. V Bhuvaneswari Sr. AO Chennai ZAO, CBDT, Chennai dated 19.06.2023
Approval of work allocation and re-arrangement of link officers amongst Sr. AOs/ AOs posted in ZAO, CBDT, Chennai-reg. dated 19.06.2023
Office Order No. 288/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Rajiv Kumar AAO in LCS, CBDT HQ dated 19.06.2023
Office Order No. 287/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Harish AAO in RBR (Exp), HQ dated 19.06.2023
Office Order No. 285/ 2023-24 Relieving order in r/o Sh. Mohd Azhar, Accountant, ZAO New Delhi dated 16.06.2023
Office Order No. 283/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Rishipal AAO in Estt-I, HQ dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 282/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Saurabh Kumar AAO in PAO (Directorate), Delhi dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 281/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Ashutosh Kumar Prajapti AAO in PAO (Comm), Delhi dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 280/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Madhur Jain AAO in PAO (Comm), Delhi dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 279/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Ashish Phalswal AAO in IT Cell, HQ dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 278/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Chandan Kumar AAO in Bill Section, HQ dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 277/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Manoj AAO in GAD-I, HQ dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 276/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Priyanshu Ranjan AAO in PAO (Comm), Delhi dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 275/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Ramvilas Pandit AAO in GAD-II, HQ dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 274/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in respect of Sh. Pradeep Kumar Chauhan AAO in Audit Section, HQ dated 15.06.2023
Office Order No. 273/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting order in respect of Sh. Naveen Kumar Yadav AAO in Estt-II, HQ dated 15.06.2023
Approval of re-allocation of work and Link officer arrangement amongst AOs posted on ZAO, CBDT, Bhubaneswar-reg. dated 13.06.2023
Approval of re-allocation of work amongst AOs posted in ZAO, CBDT, Jaipur-reg. dated 13.06.2023
Office Order No. 269/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Mangla manoj Kumar Gajbhiye Sr. Acctt CBDT Nagpur dated 12.06.2023
Office Order No. 268/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Sarat Chandran P. S. Sr. Acctt CBDT Trivandrum dated 12.06.2023
Office Order No. 267/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Vijay Kumar Sr. Acctt CBDT Jammu dated 12.06.2023
Office Order No. 266/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Rakesh Kumar Sr. Acctt CBDT Ludhiana dated 12.06.2023
Office Order No. 265/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Deshmukh Vinay Ashok Sr. Acctt CBDT Pune dated 12.06.2023
Office Order No. 263/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Tushant Rawat Sr. Acctt CBDT Dehradun dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 262/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Satya Pal Sr. Acctt CBDT Ahmedabad dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 261/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Rajesh Kumar Sr. Acctt CBDT Rajkot dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 260/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Rajeev Kumar Sr. Acctt CBDT Bhubaneshwar dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 259/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Abhimanyu Sr. Acctt CBDT Pandhkula dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 258/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Ravendra Singh Sr. Acctt CBDT Agra dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 257/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Amit Kumar Sr. Acctt CBDT Mumbai dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 256/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Pushpendra Nirwan Sr. Acctt CBDT Dehradun dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 255/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Dipendu Ghosh Sr. Acctt CBDT Guwahati dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 254/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Ms. Chong Haokip Sr. Acctt CBDT Guwahati dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 253/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Amar Pratap Singh Sr. Acctt CBDT Ahmedabad dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 252/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Sandeep Kumar Patel Sr. Acctt CBDT Mumbai dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 251/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Ms. Varalakshmi Mahadran Sr. Acctt CBDT Bengaluru dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 250/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. A Mohamed Ansar Sr. Acctt CBDT Trichy dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 249/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Manohar Kumar Sharma Sr. Acctt CBDT Shimla dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 248/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Chingtham Janajit Singh Sr. Acctt CBDT Guwahati dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 247/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Pinaki Naskar Sr. Acctt CBDT Kolkata dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 246/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Arun Kumar Tiwari Sr. Acctt CBDT Jodhpur dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 245/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Sandipan Dey Sr. Acctt CBDT Mumbai dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 244/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Deepak Kumar Sr. Acctt CBDT Karnal dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 242/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Ravi Kumar Sr. Acctt CBDT HQ dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 224/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ajay Singh Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o Education dated 08.06.2023
Office Order No. 215/ 2023-24 Delegate the power of ZAO and HOO to Sh. Jodha Ram Kumawat Sr. AO ZAO CBDT Jaipur dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 214/ 2023-24 Delegate the power of ZAO and HOO to Sh. Rudra Narayan Biswal AO ZAO CBDT Bhubaneswar dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 213/ 2023-24 Delegate the power of ZAO and HOO to Sh. Krishan Kumar AO ZAO CBDT Jalandhar dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 212/ 2023-24 Delegate the power of ZAO and HOO to Sh. Lalit Kishore Singh Sr. AO Lucknow dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 211/ 2023-24 Relieving order in respect of Sh. Rajinder Prasad AAO to join the PFMS Chandigarh dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 210/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Manish Kumar Sahu Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o Industry dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 209/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Rakesh Kumar Meena Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o Industry dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 208/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Harish Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o Earth Science dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 207/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Nivesh Kumar Singh Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o Earth Science dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 206/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Anshul Arora Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o Science & Technology dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 203/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ashutosh Kumar Prajapati Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 202/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Dhaval Kumar Makvana Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 201/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Gangavarapu P Kumar Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 200/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Hari Singh Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 199/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. M Vishwanath Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 198/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Prabhat Kumar Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 197/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh.Ajit Yadav Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 196/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Ms. Priyanka Narwal Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 195/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Dharamraj Meena Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 194/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Ms. Sunanda Paul Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 193/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Suchet Mittal Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 192/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Sovan Chatterjee Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 191/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Saurabh Singhal Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 190/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Santosh Jadav Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBIC dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 189/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Rajeev Kumar Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBDT dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 188/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ravendra Singh Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBDT dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 187/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Abhimanyu Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBDT dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 186/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ravi Kumar Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o CBDT dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 185/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Shiv Charan Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 184/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ashutosh Kumar Shahi Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 183/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Abhishek Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 182/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Amandeep Singh Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 181/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Krishna Kumar Mahalawat Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 180/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Gautam Kumar Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 179/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ankit Verma Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 178/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Manish Kunal Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 177/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Naveen Kumar Yadav Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 176/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Narendra Kumar Jha Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 175/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Ms. Pooja Goswami Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 174/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Ms. Priyadarshini Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 173/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Prosenjit Manna Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 172/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ramvilas Pandit Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 171/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Vimal Mohan Joshi Sr Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 170/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Varun Kataria Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 169/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Ms. Vandana Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 168/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Shyam Kumar Singh Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 167/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ravi Kumar Sr. Acctt to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 166/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Saurabh Mathur Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 165/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Rajnessh Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o MHA dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 164/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Ms. Vandana Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o SRTH dated 06.06.2023
Office Order No. 163/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Chandan Kumar Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o SRTH dated 06.06.2023
MEMORANDUM Dated 09.06.2023
Office Order No. 124/ 2023-24 Relieving Order in respect of Smt. V Rajarajeswari Sr. AO dated 31.05.2023
Office Order No. 123/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Sumit Anand Gothwal Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Commerce dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 122/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Shoumik Shrivastava Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Chemical and Fertilizer dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 121/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Saurabh Kumar Steno to AAO M/o Labour & Emp. dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 120/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Satya Pal Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o H&UA dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 119/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Satarupa Datta Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o H&UA dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 118/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Sandeep Gajraj Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o H&UA dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 117/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Rishi Pal Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Health and Family Welfare dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 116/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ravi Kumar Nain Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o CA&PD dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 115/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Priyanshu Ranjan Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Health and Family Welfare dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 114/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Madhur Jain Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o PPG&P dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 113/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Imran Yakubi Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Agriculture dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 112/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Chandan Trehan Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o H&UA dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 111/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Atul Wani Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Jal Shakti dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 110/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ashish Phalswal Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Agriculture dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 109/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Abhishek Kumar Tiwari Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Information and Broadcasting dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 108/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Ankit Kumar Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Chemical and Fertilizer dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 107/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Anurag Bansal Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Law and Justice dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 106/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh. Anurag Srivastava Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o H&UA dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 105/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Ms. Archana Srivastava Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o Jal Shakti dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 104/ 2023-24 Promotion order in respect of Sh Manoj Sr. Accountant to AAO M/o H&UA dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 103/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Sh. Parna Dey Sr. AO dated 29.05.2023
Office Order No. 102/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Sh. Atul Kumar Bhatnagar AO dated 26.05.2023
Office Order No. 100/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting of Sh. Dharam Vir Sr. AO dated 26.05.2023
Office Order No. 99/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in r/o Sh. Abhash Chandra Jha AO dated 26.05.2023
Office Order No. 98/ 2023-24 Technical Resignation of Sh. Saugato Bose Accountant ZAO, CBDT, Kolkata dated 26.05.2023
Office Order No. 94/ 2023-24 Technical Resignation of Sh. Sumit Kumar Accountant & Ms. Jaspreet Jaggi Accountant dated 24.05.2023
Office Order No. 93/ 2023-24 Transfer on Promotion in r/o Sh. Krishan Kumar AAO & Sh. Sudeepto Kr Banerjee AAO dated 23.05.2023
Office Order No. 92/ 2023-24 Joining and Posting in r/o Smt. Sushma Jain Sr. AO, Sh. Dharam Vir Sr. AO & Sh. Atul Kumar Bhatnagar Sr. AO dated 23.05.2023
Office Order No. 88/ 2023-24 Dated 19.05.2023
Office Order No. 87/ 2023-24 Dated 19.05.2023
Office Order No. 86/ 2023-24 Dated 22.05.2023
Office Order No. 85/ 2023-24 Dated 18.05.2023
Office Order No. 84/ 2023-24 Dated 16.05.2023
Office Order No. 41/ 2023-24 Dated 15.05.2023
Office Order No. 39/ 2023-24 Dated 12.05.2023
Office Order No. 37/ 2023-24 Dated 11.05.2023
Office Order No. 36/ 2023-24 Dated 11.05.2023
Office Order No. 35/ 2023-24 Dated 11.05.2023
Office Order No. 34/ 2023-24 Dated 11.05.2023
Office Order No. 33/ 2023-24 Dated 10.05.2023
Office Order No. 32/ 2023-24 Dated 10.05.2023
Office Order No. 31/ 2023-24 Dated 10.05.2023
Office Order No. 28/ 2023-24 Dated 02.05.2023
Office Order No. 27/ 2023-24 Dated 01.05.2023
Office Order No. 26/ 2023-24 Dated 28.04.2023.
Office Order No. 25/ 2023-24 Dated 28.04.2023
Office Order No. 24/ 2023-24 Dated 28.04.2023
Office Order No. 22/ 2023-24 Dated 28.04.2023
Office Order No. 21/ 2023-24 Dated 27.04.2023.
Office Order No. 19/ 2023-24 Dated 26.04.2023
Office Order No. 18/ 2023-24 Dated 26.04.2023
Office Order No. 17/ 2023-24 Dated 26.04.2023
Office Order No. 16/ 2023-24 Dated 26.04.2023
Office Order No. 14/ 2023-24 Dated 24.04.2023
Office Order No. 13/ 2023-24 Dated 21.04.2023
Office Order No. 12/ 2023-24 Dated 18.04.2023
Office Order No. 11/ 2023-24 Dated 18.04.2023
Office Order No. 10/ 2023-24 Dated 18.04.2023
Office Order No. 08/ 2023-24 Dated 13.04.2023
Office Order No. 04/ 2023-24 Dated 13.04.2023
Office Order No. 03/ 2023-24 Dated 13.04.2023
Office Order No. 01/ 2023-24 Dated 12.04.2023
Office Order No. 304/ 2022-23 Dated 31.03.2023
Office Order No. 303/ 2022-23 Dated 31.03.2023
Memorandum dated 27.03.2023
Office Order No. 295/ 2022-23 Dated 23.03.2023
Office Order No. 294/ 2022-23 Dated 21.03.2023
Office Order No. 291/ 2022-23 Dated 14.03.2023
Office Order No. 286/ 2022-23 Dated 02.03.2023
Office Order No. 285/ 2022-23 Dated 28.02.2023
Office Order No. 282/ 2022-23 Dated 20.02.2023
Office Order No. 281/ 2022-23 Dated 17.02.2023
Office Order No. 280/ 2022-23 Dated 14.02.2023
Office Order No. 278/ 2022-23 Dated 10.02.2023
Office Order No. 277/ 2022-23 Dated 10.02.2023
Office Order No. 276/ 2022-23 Dated 08.02.2023
Office Order No. 274/ 2022-23 Dated 31.01.2023
Office Order No. 273/ 2022-23 Dated 30.01.2023
Office Order No. 272/ 2022-23 Dated 30.01.2023
Office Order No. 268/ 2022-23 Dated 30.12.2022
Cadre Review of the Central Civil Accounts Service (CCAS)-reg. dated 08.12.2022
Office Order No. 265/ 2022-23 Dated 08.12.2022
Office Order No. 262/ 2022-23 Dated 30.11.2022
Office Order No. 260/ 2022-23 Dated 24.11.2022
Office Order No. 254/ 2022-23 Dated 17.11.2022
Office Order No. 253/ 2022-23 Dated 17.11.2022
Office Order No. 250/ 2022-23 Dated 11.11.2022
Office Order No. 243/ 2022-23 Dated 03.11.2022
Office Order No. 242/ 2022-23 Dated 31.10.2022
Office Order No. 240/ 2022-23 Dated 28.10.2022
Office Order No. 236/ 2022-23 Dated 17.10.2022
Office Order No.230/ 2022-23 Dated 30.09.2022
Office Order No.221/ 2022-23 Dated 26.09.2022
Office Order No.219/ 2022-23 Dated 21.09.2022
Office Order No.218/ 2022-23 Dated 21.09.2022
Office Order No.216/ 2022-23 Dated 19.09.2022
Office Order No.167/ 2022-23 Dated 07.09.2022
Office Order No.165/ 2022-23 Dated 06.09.2022
Office Order No.162/ 2022-23 Dated 01.09.2022
Office Order No.155/ 2022-23 Dated 31.08.2022
Office Order No.105/ 2022-23 Dated 10.08.2022
Office Order No.101/ 2022-23 Dated 29.07.2022
Office Order No.99/ 2022-23 Dated 21.07.2022
Delegation of Administrative and Financial Powers to Controller of Accounts/ Dy. Controller of Accounts/ ACA/ ZAO/ Head of Office dt. 11.07.2022
Office Order No.96 / 2022-23 Dated 12.07.2022
Office Order No.95 / 2022-23 Dated 12.07.2022
Office Order No. 92/ 2022-23 dated 30.06.2022
Form for Option/ Preference for station for CGLE 2019 passed candidate. dated 01.07.2022
Office Order No. 91 2022-23 dt. 29.06.2022
Office Order No.89 / 2022-23 Dated 22-06-2022
Office Order No.85 / 2022-23 Dated 16-06-2022
Office Order No. 86 2022-23 dated 21.06.2022
Office Order No.77 / 2022-23 Dated 14-06-2022
Office Order No.76 / 2022-23 Dated 14-06-2022
Office Order No.75 / 2022-23 Dated 14-06-2022
Office Order No.74 / 2022-23 Dated 14-06-2022
Office Order No.73 / 2022-23 Dated 14-06-2022
Office Order No.72 / 2022-23 Dated 14-06-2022
Office Order No.70 / 2022-23 Dated 09-06-2022
Office Order No. 67 2022-23 dated 01.06.2022
Office Order No. 66 2022-23 dated 01.06.2022
Office Order No.61 / 2022-23 Dated 25-05-2022
Office Order No.63 / 2022-23 Dated 25-05-2022
Office Order No.60 / 2022-23 Dated 23-05-2022
Office Order No.59 / 2022-23 Dated 23-05-2022
Office Order No.55 / 2022-23 Dated 20-05-2022
Office Order No.54 / 2022-23 Dated 20-05-2022
Office Order No.51 / 2022-23 Dated 18-05-2022
Office Order No.50 / 2022-23 Dated 18-05-2022
Office Order No.41 / 2022-23 Dated 12-05-2022
Office Order No.46 / 2022-23 Dated 17-05-2022
Office Order No.38 / 2022-23 Dated 10-05-2022
Office Order No.37 / 2022-23 Dated 09-05-2022
Office Order No.36 / 2022-23 Dated 09-05-2022
Office Order No.35 / 2022-23 Dated 09-05-2022
Office Order No.34 / 2022-23 Dated 09-05-2022
Office Order No.33 / 2022-23 Dated 29-04-2022
Office Order No.32 / 2022-23 Dated 29-04-2022
Office Order No.31 / 2022-23 Dated 29-04-2022
Office Order No.30 Dated 29-04-2022
Office Order No.28 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.27 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.26 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.25 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.24 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.23 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.22 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.21 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.20 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.19 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.18 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.17 / 2022-23 Dated 28-04-2022
Office Order No.15 2022-23 Dated 27-04-2022
Office Order No.13 2022-23 Dated 27-04-2022
Office Order No.11 2022-23 Dated 27-04-2022
Office Order No.10 2022-23 Dated 27-04-2022
Office Order No.09 / 26-04-2022 / 163-69
Office Order No.07 Dated 26-04-2022 / 148-53
Office Order No.06 Dated 26-04-2022 / 132-144
Office Order no.04 Dated 21-04-2-22
Office order no.03 2021/22
Office Order No. 02 2022-23 dt. 05.04.2022
Office Order No. 01 2022-23 dt. 04.04.2022
Office Order No. 253 2021-22 dt. 31.03.2022
Sanction Order dt. 30.03.2022
Grant of Honorarium for the year 2021-22 dt. 25.03.2022
Office Memorandum dt. 24.03.2022
Office Order No. 249 2021-22 dt. 22.03.2022
Office Order No. 247 2021-22 Dated 07.03.2022
Office Order No. 246 2021-22 Dated 04.03.2022
Office Memorandum Dated 28.02.2022
Office Order No. 243 2021-22 Dated 22.02.2022
Office Order No. 242 2021-22 Dated 18.02.2022
Office Order No. 241 2021-22 Dated 17.02.2022
Office Order No. 240 2021-22 Dated 16.02.2022
Office Order No. 236 2021-22 Dated 03.02.2022
Office Order No. 235 2021-22 Dated 02.02.2022
Office Order No. 234 2021-22 Dated 01.02.2022
Office Order No. 233 2021-22 Dated 31.01.2022
Office Order No. 231 2021-22 Dated 31.01.2022
Office Order No. 230 2021-22 Dated 31.01.2022
Office Order No. 221 2021-22 Dated 21.01.2022
Office Order No. 220 2021-22 Dated 21.01.2022
Office Order No. 219 2021-22 Dated 21.01.2022
Office Order No. 218 2021-22 Dated 21.01.2022
Office Order No. 215 2021-22 Dated 17.01.2022
Office Order No. 214 2021-22 Dated 19.01.2022
Office Order No. 213 2021-22 Dated 14.01.2022
Office Memorandum Dated 10.01.2022
Office Order No. 207 2021-22 Dated 30.12.2021
Office Order No. 205 2021-22 Dated 23.12.2021
Office Order No. 202 2021-22 Dated 17.12.2021
Office Order No. 199 2021-22 Dated 16.12.2021
Approval of allocation/reallocation of work amongst Sr.Ao/Aos and AAos - reg. Dated 13.12.2021
Approval of allocation/reallocation of work amongst AOs - reg. Dated 13.12.2021
Approval of allocation/reallocation of work amongst Sr.AO/AOs - reg Dated 13.12.2021
Approval of allocation/reallocation of work amongst Sr.AO/AOs - reg. Dated 13.12.2021
Office Order No. 197 2021-22 Dated 13.12.2021
Office Order No. 194 2021-22 Dated 13.12.2021
Office Order No. 189 2021-22 Dated 07.12.2021
Office Order No. 186 2021-22 Dated 30.11.2021
Office Order No. 181 2021-22 Dated 24.11.2021
Office Order No. 180 2021-22 Dated 23.11.2021
Office Order No. 179 2020-21 Dated 22.11.2021
Approval of re- allocation of work amongst Sr.Acctt/Acctts. in r/o ZAO, CBDT, Visakhapatnam-reg. Dated 11.11.2021
Approval of allocation of work amongst staff of ZAO,CBDT,Rohtak and between AAOs during the leave period of Ms.Pinki Bisla,AAO-reg. Dated 11.11.2021
Office Order No. 177 2021-22 Dated 11.11.2021
Office Order No. 176 2021-22 Dated 11.11.2021
Office Order No. 175 2021-22 Dated 09.11.2021
Office Order No. 174 2021-22 Dated 09.11.2021
Office Order No. 173 2021-22 Dated 03.11.2021
Office Order No. 172 2021-22 Dated 03.11.2021
Office Order No. 171 2021-22 Dated 01.11.2021
Approval of link officer in r/o officials of O/o ZAO, CBDT, Hubli -reg. Dated 01.11.2021
Approval of allocation/reallocation of work amongst AAOs-reg. Dated 01.11.2021
Approval of allocation/reallocation of work amongst AAOs -reg Dated 01.11.2021
Office Order No. 165 2021-22 Dated 29.10.2021
Office Order No. 164 2021-22 Dated 29.10.2021
Office Order No. 161 2021-22 Dated 28.10.2021
Office Order No. 158 2021-22 Dated 26.10.2021
Office Order No. 155 2021-22 Dated 20.10.2021
Office Order No. 154 2021-22 Dated 20.10.2021
Office Order No. 142 2021-22 Dated 13.10.2021
Office Order No. 141 2021-22 Dated 13.10.2021
Office Order No. 138 2021 Dated 11.10.2021
Office Order No. 136 2021-22 Dated 07.10.2021
Office Order No. 132 2021-22 Dated 05.10.2021
Office Order No. 131 2021-22 Dated 05.10.2021
Office Order No. 130 2021-22 Dated 05.10.2021
Office Order No. 129 2021-22 Dated 05.10.2021
Office Order No. 128 2021-22 Dated 05.10.2021
Office Order No. 127 2021-22 Dated 05.10.2021
Office Order No. 126 2021-22 Dated 05.10.2021
Office Order No. 125 2021-22 Dated 05.10.2021
Office Order No. 124 2021-22 Dated 05.10.2021
Office Order No. 123 2021-22 Dated 05.10.2021
Office Order No. 122 2021-22 Dated 30.09.2021
Office Order No. 121 2021-22 Dated 30.09.2021
Office Order No. 120 2021-22 Dated 30.09.2021
Office Order No.119 2021-22 Dated 27.09.2021
Office Order No.118 2021-22 Dated 24.09.2021
Office Order No.102 2020-21 Dated 24.09.2021
Office Order No.101 2020-21 Dated 24.09.2021
Office Order No.100 2020-21 Dated 24.09.2021
Office Order No.99 2020-21 Dated 24.09.2021
Office Order No.98 2020-21 Dated 24.09.2021
Office Order No.97 2020-21 Dated 24.09.2021
Office Order No. 96 2021-22 Dated 24.09.2021
Office Order No. 93 2021-22 Dated 15.09.2021
Office Order No. 89 2021-22 Dated 10.09.2021
Office Order No. 88 2021-22 Dated 08.09.2021
Office Order No. 87 2021-22 Dated 01.09.2021
Office Order No. 85 2021-22 Dated 25.08.2021
Office Order No. 78 2021-22 Dated 18.08.2021
Office Order No.76 2021-22 Dated 16.08.2021
Office Order No. 74 2021-22 Dated 11.08.2021
Office Order No.08 Dated 26-04-2022 / 154-57
Office Order No. 73 2021-22 Dated 11.08.2021
Office Order No. 72 2021-22 Dated 11.08.2021
Office Order No. 71 2021-22 Dated 10.08.2021
Office Order No. 70 2021-22 Dated 10.08.2021
Office Order No. 69 2021-22 Dated 10.08.2021
Office Order No. 68 2021-22 Dated 10.08.2021
Office Order No. 64 2021-21 Dated 03.08.2021
Office Order No. 63 2021-22 Dated 03.08.2021
Office Memorandum Dated 02.08.2021
Office Order No. 62 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 61 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 60 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 59 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 58 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 57 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 56 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 55 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 54 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 53 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 52 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 51 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 50 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 49 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 48 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 47 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 46 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 45 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 44 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No. 43 2021-22 Dated 30.07.2021
Office Order No.39 -2020-21 Dated 27.07.2021
Office Order No. 38 -2021-22 Dated 26.07.2021
Office Order No. 37-2021-22 Dated 19.07.2021
Office Order No. 35-2021-22 Dated 19.07.2021
Internal Complaint Committee for Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace-reconstitution thereof. Dated 09.07.2021
Office Order 32 -2021-22. Dated 09.07.2021
Office Order No. 27 -2021-22 Dated 08.07.2021
Office Memorandom Dated 01.07.2021
Office Order No. 25 dated 29.06.2021
Office Order No. 24 - 2021-22 Dated 24.06.2021
Office Order No. 23 - 2021-22 Dated 24.06.2021
Office Order No.21-2021-22 Dated 18.06.2021
Office Order No.18 -2021-22 Dated 31.05.2021
Office Order No.17 -2021-22 Dated 31.05.2021
Office Order No.01 -2021-22 Dated 13.04.2021
Office Order No.221 -2020-21 Dated 30.03.2021
Office Order No.216 -2020-21 Dated 16.03.2021
Office Order No.201 -2020-21 Dated 25.02.2021
Office Order No.190 -2020-21 Dated 16.2.2021
Office Order No.178 - 2020-21 Dated 27.1.21
Office Order No.149 - 2020-21 Dated 24.12.2020
Office Order No.135 - 2020-21 Dated 17.12.2020
Office Order No.134 - 2020-21 Dated 17.12.2020
Office Order No.133 -2020-21 Dated 17.12.2020
Office Order No.132 - 2020-21 Dated 17.12.2020
Office Order No.131 - 2020-21 Dated 17.12.2020
Office Order No.129 - 2020-21 Dated - 17.11.2020
Office Order No.128 - 2020-21 Dated-17.11.2020
Office Order No.42 -2021-22 Dated 27.07.2021
Office Order No.40 -2020-21 Dated 27.07.2021
Office Order No.34 -2021-22 Dated 09.07.2021
Office Order No.33 -2021-22. Dated 09.07.2021
DFPR to Sh Aseem Kr Bharati AO Patiala Dated 27.5.2021
DFPR of HoO to Smt Meena V Sendre, Sr AO Mumbai Dated 17.5.2021
DFPR of HoO to Sh Ujjwal Kumar, Sr AO Allahabad Dated 17.5.2021
Office Memorandum Dated 24.03.2021
Work Allocation of AOs at ZAO Nagpur
Relieving order of Sh Prem Prakash Rai, AAO Agra
Relieving of Smt Sanchita shukla ICAS 2000 CCA New Delhi
Relieving of Sh P Deepak ICAS 2015 Dy CA Chennai
Promotion of Sh Shiv chander Sahni MTS to LDC (10% quota) Cochin
Promotion of Sh Prem Kumar MTS to LDC (10% quota) Allahabad
Pension rule for Sh Manoj Kumar AAO Lucknow
Order No.200 - 2020-21 Dated 25.2.2021
OM Opening of Office for closing of Financial Year 2020-21
Office Order No. 122 - 2020-21 Dated 15.12.2020
Office Order No. 119- 2020-21 dated 11.12.2020
Office Order No. 118- 2020-21 dated 10.12.2020
Link Officer Sh Rajesh R Iyer Sr AO and Sh Naveen Kr AO and Sh Ravinder Kr AO ZAO Pune
Joining Order of Sh Dhiraj Negi Sr AO ZAO Dehradun
Delegate the power to Smt Sobhana S Nair Sr AO ZAO Cochin
Delegate power of ZAO HOO to Sh Rupam Chatterjee AAO Durgapur
Additional charge to Smt Santosh Badhan Sr AO IAW (HQ)
Internal Complaint Committee for Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Dated 01.07.2021
Office Order No. 36-2021-22 Dated 19.07.2021
Relieving order of Sh Ramesh Chand, AAO Jalandhar Dated 21.5.2021
Settlement of Personal Claims Dated 02.07.2021
Relieving order of Sh R.K Yadav AAO Allahabad Dated 21.5.2021
Relieving order of Sh Prem Prakash Rai, AAO Agra Dated 21.05.2021
Relieving order of Sh M.M. Gera, AO Ahmedabad 21.5.2021
Relieving order of Sh Chetan Chauhan, AAO Mumbai Dated 21.5.2021
Estt. - II
Pending APARs of AAO, PAO and Sr. AOs and completion thereof in SPARROW-regarding dated 25.09.2023
Registration in SPARROW module for submission of online APAR/Immovable Ploperty Return (IPR) in respect of newly promoted AAOs on passing of AAO (CBT) exam. dated 20.09.2023
Office Order No. 18/ 2023 Mid- Career Training of Sr. AOs organised during August to September, 2023 at INGAF HQ, New Delhi & its RTC Mumbai, Kolkata, & Chennai-reg. dated 05.09.2023
Implementation of AUTO FORWARD of Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) on "SPARROW" in respect of AAO, PAO and Sr. AOs of CCAS Cadre and adherence of prescribed timelines-regarding. dated 20.07.2023
Forwarding of proposal for administrative approval and financial sanction for training Programme at RTC, INGAF, Kolkata, in r/o ZAO, CBDT, Kolkata. dated 15.06.2023
Study Tour Attachment for ICAS OTs (2020 & 2021 Batch) dated 09.06.2023
Pension Module Training during March to May, 2023-reg. dated 06.06.2023
To send Nominations regarding NIFM Training within three days. dated 01.06.2023
Office Order dated 22.05.2023
Status Report of Pending APARs in respect of Acctt./ Sr. Acctt./ AAOs/ Sr. AOs of CBDT-reg. dated 09.05.2023
Pan-India Training cum Roll out plan for electronic Bill system (e-bill) of Public Finance Management System (PFMS) in financial year 2023-24-reg. dated 24.04.2023
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion of Lower Division Clerks as Accountant-reg. dated 19.04.2023
One year training programme at NIFM Faridabad on "Government Accounting and Internal Audit" DGA&IA, 2023-24 (15th Batch) at AJNIFM, Faridabad-reg. dated 18.04.2023
Timely Completion of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) in respect of AOs/Sr. AOs-reg. dated 06.04.2023
Promotion of Accountants as Sr. Accountants on seniority basis-reg. dated 03.04.2023
List of Sr. Accountants Recommended by the Committee for Financial Up-Gradation Under the MACP Scheme. dated 28.03.2023
Online generation & recording of APAR on "SPARROW" for the year 2022-23 in respect of AAOs/AOs/Sr. AOs-reg. dated 15.03.2023
Departmental Confirmatory Examination for Accountants 2023-reg. dated 09.03.2023
Training Programme for Pension module in PFMS dated 01.03.2023
Result of Departmental Confirmatory Examination Held on 03.12.2022-reg. dated 22.02.2023
Completion of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) and clearance of Pendancy of Online APARs for the year 2020-21 & 2021-22 on SPARROW in r/o Sr. AOs/PAOs/AAOs-reg. dated 20.02.2023
One time Relaxation in RRs of Accountants-reg. dated 27.01.2023
Convey of Administrative Approval regarding PAN India Training cum roll out plan for electronic Bill system (e-bill) of Public Finance Management System (PFMS) in financial year 2022-23 dated 20.01.2023
Verification of Membership Strength of All India Civil Accounts Employees Association under Central Civil Service (Recognition of Service Association) Rule, 1993 for all group 'C' Staff, Sr. Accountant and Steno Gr. 1-reg. dated 03.01.2023
Timely Submission of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) and Clearance of Pendency of APARs in r/o PAOs/Sr. AOs-reg. dated 26.12.2022
Review of Senior Accounts Officers (Group A) of CCAS Cadre under FR-56(j) and Rules 48 of CCS (Pension) Rule, 1972-reg. dated 20.12.2022
To send Nominations regarding Pan India Training cum roll out plan for electronic Bill system (e-bill) of Public Finance Management System (PFMS) in financial year 2022-23. dated 09.12.2022
To send Nominations regarding Pan lndia Training cum Roll out plan for electronic bill system (e-bill) of Public Finance Management System (PFMS) in financial year 2022-23 (ZAO, CBDT, Coimbatore, Madurai, Trichi (Tiruchirapalli), Trivandrum, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and Cochin) dated 16.11.2022
To send Nominations regarding Pan lndia Training cum Roll out plan for electronic bill system (e-bill) of Public Finance Management System (PFMS) in financial year 2022-23 (ZAO, CBDT, Raipur and Indore) dated 15.11.2022
To send Nominations regarding Pan lndia Training cum Roll out plan for electronic bill system (e-bill) of Public Finance Management System (PFMS) in financial year 2022-23 (ZAO, CBDT, Allahabad, Jalandhar, Agra, Rohtak (Haryana) and Bhopal. dated 15.11.2022
To send Nominations regarding Pan lndia Training cum Roll out plan for electronic bill system (e-bill) of Public Finance Management System (PFMS) in financial year 2022-23 (ZAO, CBDT, Patiala, Kanpur and Lucknow) dated 15.11.2022
Pan lndia Training cum Roll out plan for electronic bill system (e-bill) of Public Finance Management System (PFMS) in financial year 2022-2023 on 20.12.2022 and 21.12.2022 and 19/20 January, 2023 (Physical Training) dated 11.11.2022
Online Mid-Career Training Programe for Sr. AOs & AAOs-reg. dated 01.11.2022
Online Mid-Career Training Programme for Sr. AOs & AAOs-reg. dated 31.10.2022
Verification of membership strength of "All India Civil Accounts Employees Association Category-II" under Central Civil Service (Recognition of Service Association) Rules, 1993-reg. dt. 07.10.2022
Timely Submission of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) and Clearance of Pendency of APARs in r/o PAOs/Sr. AOs-reg. dated 07.10.2022
Office Order No.19/ 2022 Dated 26.09.2022
Nominations of PAOs/ Sr. AOs for diploma in "Government Accounting and Internal Audit" (DGA&IA), 2022-23 (15th Batch) at AJNIFM, Faridabad. dated 19.09.2022
Departmental Confirmatory Examination for Accountants 2022-reg. dated 16.09.2022
MACP in r/o MTS, LDC-regarding dated 12.09.2022
Assistant Accounts Officer (Civil) Computer based (CBT) 2022 Notification-reg dated 12.07.2022
Grant of Financial Upgradation under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme of PS/AAOs-reg. dated 11.07.2022
Assistant Accounts Officer (Civil) Computer Based Examination 2022 Notification-reg. dated 24.06.2022
Verification of membership strength of ''All India Civil Accounts Gr. 'B' Gazetted (AAOs) Association'' under central civil service (Recognition of service Association) Rules , 1993. Dated 20-06-2022
MACP in r/o Accountants of Zonal Accounts Offices under the jurisdiction of HQ-regarding Dated 15-06-2022
Guidelines for forwarding of anti-dating of promotion cases of NG officials - reg Dated 08-06-2022
PAO Conference at Jaipur-reg dated 13.06.2022
Timely Submission of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) in respect of PAOs, Sr. AOs-reg. dated 01.06.2022
Three days class room training on 'PFMS MODULES AND WORK FLOW' to be held from 1st to 3rd June, 2022 at INGAF New Delhi-reg. dated 30.05.2022
PAO Conference at Chandigarh Dated 5-05-2022
PAO Conference conveyed at O/o CGA to review the performance of ZAOs at Chandigarh on 06th May 2022 reg.
office order 2 Dated 25-04-2022
Timely submission of annual performance appraisal reports (APSRs) in r/o Aos/sr. Aos-rey
Assistant Accounts Officer (Civil) Computer Based Test (CBT) 2022 Notification-reg dt. 05.04.2022
Online generaion & recording of APAR on 'SPARROW' for the year 2021-22 in respect of AAOs, AOs & Sr. AOs-reg dt. 25.03.2022
Completion of APARs in respect of in r/o AAOs/AOs/Sr. AOs in "SPARROW" for the year 2020-21- reg. Dated 14.03.2022
Office Order No.28 2021-22 Dated 24.02.2022
Office Order No.27 2021-22 Dated 18.02.2022
Office Order No.25 2021-22 Dated 03.02.2022
Office Order No.24 2021-22 Dated 27.01.2022
Office Order No.23-2022 Dated 27.01.2022
Promotion of Accountants as Sr. Accountants on seniority-cum fitness basis-reg. Dated 27.01.2022
Promotion of LDCs as Accountant on seniority basis (25% quota) - reg. Dated 25.01.2022
Promotion of Multi-Tasking Staff as Lower Division Clerk on seniority basis (5% quota) - reg. Dated 25.01.2022
Office Order 22-22 Dated 14.01.2022
Office Order No.21 -2022 Dated 20.01.2022
Appointment as Ad-hoc AAOs to fill up the vacancies in the Grade of AAO in Pay & Accounts Offices- reg Dated 30.12.2021
Online Subscriber Registration for PRAN generation-reg. Dated 25.11.2021
Grant of financial up-gradations under Modified Assured Career progression Scheme-reg. Dated 23.11.2021
Office Memorandum Dated 21.10.2021
AAO (Civil) Computer Based Examination -reg. Dated 04.10.2021
Timely completion of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) Dated 01.10.2021
Short Term Class-room training programme at INGAF-regarding Dated 08.09.2021
Special guidelines for MACP cases of NG officials -reg. Dated 02.09.2021
One year training programme at NIFM Faridabad on ''Government Accounting and auditing'', 2021-22 (14th Batch) at AJ NIFM, Faridabad Dated 01.09.2021
MACP in respect of MTS, LDC-regarding Dated 28.07.2021
Generation of APAR through SPARROW PORTAL for the APAR Assessment Year 2021-22 in respect of Sr.AOs,AOs,AAOs of Central Civil Accounts Service - reg Dated 16.07.2021
Extention of timelines for recording of Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) in respect of Group 'A', 'B' and 'C' officers of Central Civil Services for the year 2020-21-reg. Dated 23.6.2021
Office Order Dated 08.03.2021
Timely Submission of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) in reference of PAOs,Sr.AOs -reg. Dated 01.03.2021
Implementation of ''SPARROW'' in reference of AAOs,AOs,Sr.AOs for the year 2020-21 -reg. Dated 08.02.2021
Office Order 3 2021 Dated : 11.02.2021
Office Order Dated : 09.02.2021
Pre notification activities relating to conduct of AAO (Civil) Examination 2021 Dated : 29.01.2021
Promotion of LDC as Accountant on seniority basis (25% quota) Dated : 12.01.2021
Promotion of Multi-Tasking Staff as Lower Division Clerk on seniority basis (5% quota) Dated : 12.01.2021
Introduction of SPARROW in respect of AAOs, AOs, Sr. AOs for the year 2020-21-reg. Dated : 11.01.2021
Promotion of Accountants as Sr. Accountants on seniority basis Dated : 07.01.2021
Office Order No. 13 2021 Dated : 01.01.2021
Pay fixation of Shri Pushp Kumar, Sr. AO, and Smt. Parna Dey, Sr. AO Dated : 30.12.2020
Strengthening of administration - Periodical review under FR 56 Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules. Dated - Dec 2020
Retirement Order of Smt V Uma Sr AO Bangalore Dated 27.05.2021
Departmental Confirmatory Examination for Accountants (II) December 2019 Dated : 09.12.2020
MACP in respect of MTS, LDC- regarding Dated : 14.12.2020
Expenditure Accounts
Annual Indent for CTS-2010 Standards cheques for the year 2023-24-regarding. dated 03.03.2023
Outstanding balances under Suspense heads and Cheques and Bill dated 07.09.2022
Annual Indent for CTS-2010 Standards cheques for the year 2022-23 - regarding.
Amendment in Civil Accounts Manual Revised Second Edition-2007 Volume-I & II (Reprinted in 2012). Dated 08.03.2022
Opening of new head of account for adjustment of Employee / Govt. Contribution / Return on Govt. Contribution remitted by PFRDA. Dated 09.09.2021
Annual Indent for CTS-2010 Standards for thc year 2021-22 - regarding.
Receipt Accounts
Provision of audit reports for monitoring by agency (admin) user-reg. dated 14.08.2023
Preventive measures to avoid financial irregularities-reg. dated 28.07.2023
Authorization of 9 Additional CPPCs of Punjab National Bank-reg. dated 20.07.2023
Recovery of wrongful/ excess payments made to Government Servants-reg. dated 18.07.2023
Internal Controls to be exercised by PAOs-reg. 26.06.2023
Important instructions with regard to new development in Pension Module for PAOs in PFMS Portal-reg. dated 08.06.2023
Amendment in the Scheme for Payment of Pensions to Central Government Civil Pensioners by Authorised Banks Booklet (Fifth Edition, July 2021)-reg. dated 31.05.2023
Nomination of Pensioners under the Payment of Arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules, 1983 for payment of life-time arrears-reg. dated 16.05.2023
Monthly report regarding monthly reconciliation of expenditure by DDOs. dated 12.05.2023
Coverage under Central Civil Services (Pensions) Rules, in place of National Pension System of those Central Government employees who were recruited against the posts/vacancies advertised/notified for recruitment on or before 22.12.2003-reg. dated 17.04.2023
Unnecessary delays in processing of the pension cases due to shortcoming in the details/documents. dated 05.04.2023
Meeting Notice-reg. dt. 31.03.2023
Timelines for completion of various activities in the process of authorization of pension/family pension and gratuity on retirement on superannuation of a Government servant and death while in service. dt. 31.03.2023
Information on bifurcation of accumulated NPS corpus (including appreciation) received from NSDL towards payment & accounting adjustment-reg. dated 28.02.2023
Implementation of Hon'ble CAT, New Delhi order dated 01/06/2016 on OA no. 1095/2014 in the case of Sh. KP Rajgopal and Ors Vs Union of India subject to outcome of WP No. 3527/2019 filed by UoI in Hon'ble High court of Delhi. dated 21.02.2023
Stoppage of use of abbreviations in the name of Pensioner/Family Pensioner in Fresh & Revision Special Seal Authorities and PPOs-reg. dated 06.02.2023
Holding of Pension Adalats-reg. OM dated 09.12.2022
(1)- Processing of Pension/Family Pension cases where arrears of pension are paid before the finalization of pension/family pension case. (2)- Implementation of Revised format of PPO booklet (CAM-52). dated 25.11.2022
Compensation for Non-deposit or delayed deposit of Contribution under National Pension Scheme (NPS) during 2004-12-reg. dated 14.11.2022
Compliance of directions issued vide OMs by the Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare to Central Government servants covered under National Pension System-regarding dated 09.11.2022
Compliance of directions issued vide OMs by the Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare to Central Government servants covered under National Pension System-regarding dated 31.10.2022
Procedure for implementation of change of option by a Pensioner/ Family Pensioner from FMA to CGHS (OPD) facility and vice-versa-reg. dated 18.08.2022
Strengthening of Machinery for Redressal of Public Grievance (CPGRAMS) dated 05.08.2022
Verification of fields in PPOs/e-PPOs with e-scroll dated 23.06.2022
Nomination of Pensioners under the Payment of Arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules, 1983 for payment of life-time arrears. dated 23.06.2022
Compliance of GPF Rule regarding timely payment of GPF to the retiring Government Servant. dated 23.06.2022
Age Wise Pendency Report (Period of Report: 01.01.2021 to 13.06.2022) dt. 13.06.2022
Amendment in Civil Accounts Manual Revised Second Edition - 2007 Volume-I & II (reprinted in 2012)
Submission of data related to pensioners retiring in the Financial Year 2023-reg. dated 24.05.2022
Important instructions with regard to Pension Module on PFMS Portal change of Gratuity Recovery Head Details in Pension Module by PAO user-reg. Dated 28-04-2022
Holding of Nation-Wide Pension Adalats on 05.05.2022- reg Dated 27-04-2022
Office Order PCCA/CBDT/PPC/WEB/2021-2022
Payment of Provisional pension and Gratuity under Rule 62 of the Central Civil Services (pension) Rules. 2021 in case of delay in issue of PPO authorizing regular pension-reg. dt. 05.04.2022
Correct entries in manual PPO Booklet to avoid duplicity in NPS cases- reg. Dated 02.03.2022
Clarification on the Scheme for Grant of Advance Increment to the officials of Income Tax Department on passing Departmental Examination.
Important instructions with regard to issues in Pension Module as well as DSC of ePPOS for PAOs. Dated 22.12.2021
Seeking pension related advice/clarification from Central Pension Accounting Office-reg. Dated 02.12.2021
Processing of commutation of pension case through e-Revision Utility-reg. Dated 07.12.2021
Instructions to PAO for calling back request of PPO and its cancellation-Reg. Dated 02.11.2021
Obtaining of PPO Number in respect of the pension cases not processed through Pension Module of PFMS -reg
Anomaly of pay arisen due to grant of advance increments on passing Departmental Examination - regarding
Guidelines for timely and qualitative disposal of Pensioners' Grievances-reg.
Amendment in Civil Accounts Manual Revised Second Edition -2007 Volume-I & II (Reprinted in 2012) Dated 03.08.2021
Reduction of stipulated time limits for disposal of Public Grievance in CPGRAM regarding. Dated 01-07-2021
Office Memorandum dt. 25.06.2021
Clarification on Payment of Commuted Value of Pension- Dated 01.07.2021
Notification of CCS (NPS) Rules by DoP & PW Dated 30.03.2021- CGA OM
Payment of family pension, death gratuity and other dues to the family on death of a Government setuant during service.
Updation of Date of Birth of Family Pensioners in CPAO data base -reg
Migration of Reserve Bank of lndia on TIN 2.0 platform w.e.f. 01 April, 2023-reg. dated 10.04.2023
Migration of SBl, HDFC and Punjab and Sind Bank on TIN 2.0 platform w.e.f. 01 April, 2023-reg. dated 29.03.2023
Banking arrangements for March 31, 2023- Government Payment & Receipts-reg.
Reporting and Accounting of Central Government transactions for March 2023-reg.
Migration of Existing Agency Banks from OLTAS to TIN 2.0-reg. dated 02.01.2023
Migration of Existing Agency Banks from OLTAS to TIN 2.0-reg. dated 29.11.2022
Migration of Existing Agency Banks from OLTAS to TIN 2.0-reg. dated 31.10.2022
Migration of Existinq Agency Banks from OLTAS to TIN 2.0-reg. dated 22.09.2022
Authorisation of private sector banks for collection of direct taxes - reg.
Submission of E Monthly DO by Pr.CCAs, CCAs, CAs (IC)-reg. dt. 29.03.2022
Banking Arrangement for March 31, 2022-Government payment and Receipts-reg dt. 28.03.2022
Reporting and Accounting of Central Government transactions of March 2022 . Dated 16.03.2022
Authorization of Kankurgachi, Kolkata branch as ''e-Dealing Branch'' (e-DB) for collection of Online Direct Taxes-reg. Dated 25.02.2022
Authorization of new branches for collection of direct taxes- Union Bank of India-reg. Dated 13.12.2021
Quantum review by Dy.CA/CA/CCA/Pr.CCA in respect of Sanctions. Dated 08.12.2021
Authorization of 02 additional branches in respect of Punjab National Bank under jurisdiction of ZAO, CBDT, Meerut for Direct Taxes Collection-reg. Dated 24.11.2021
Authorization of 02 additional branches in r/o Punjab National Bank under jurisdiction of ZAO , CBDT , Meerut for Direct Taxes Collection- reg. Dated 07.10.2021
Training session on PRAKALP for all the ZAOs by Master Trainers of CBDT. Dated 09.08.2021
Time standard for processing of bills and review of high value sanctions-reg. Dated 06.07.2021
Circulation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for PRAKALP- reg Dated 30.06.2021
Quantum review by Dy.CA,CA,CCA,Pr.CCA in respect of sanctions. Dated 25.03.2021
Office Order No. 01/ 2023-24 dated 24.07.2023
Circular Court Matter dated 20.06.2022
To enhance the Current Vigilance clearance proforma in respect of official/officers
IT Cell
Internal Audit Section
Bank Audit
Internal Audit OM
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GeM Orders
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EMD provision in GeM
lnternal Complaints Committee
Office Orders
Internal Complaint Committee for Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace-reconstitution thereof. Dated 09.07.2021
Internal Complaint Committee for Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Dated 01.07.2021
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